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Letter to the Nobel Peace Prize Commitee

Dear Nobel Peace Prize Commitee, 


I think that Caroline Chislom more than deserves this splendid award. She has done more good in her life then a munk could do in  300 years. Caroline has set up 10 shelters and schools she has helped convicts reunite with their families. If you need a better resume then that I don’t know what your criteria because we clearly don’t meet eye to eye on this matter.  


Caroline Chislom has done nothing but good in her life yes she might not have moved a nation but she reunites hundreds maybe thousands of people with their families. She is an iconic figure and one to not be forgot about, she is an icon for all. Not just girls or boys. She represents that if something needs to be done anyone can do it. 


Yes she is quite rich and yes that could have helped her but who cares, is the world at a stage that if someone doesn’t come from nothing and make a difference then they aren't to be recognised. Yes some richer people just donate to charity for press but not her. She was definitely rich but she died poor. Yes that might be because she was not finically aware but it does paint a picture a picture better than the Mona Lisa that she was a fundamentally good person. If she only did it for the press then she would have stopped when she was declare on her way to be a saint bye the catholic church themselves. 


Yes you read write she was such a good person that even after being a catholic for only a couple years she became a saint in that religion. But then that plots the question does she deserve to be a saint in a religion that she clearly didn’t care about as much as most saints do. But at the same to have you been reading the text. Because if you had read and comprehended the work of which I have written here then you should know and she be screaming at me for even bringing that query up 100 metres away from the table. 


Caroline is so deserving of this award that we could have a 2 billion person petition for it to happen. Oh wait were you excepting me to say riot well then you should be wrong. Caroline has done too many good things in her life for her admirers to almost bride people with the lack of destruction to get an award which she definitely deserves and the fact that you are reading this far into the letter and not gone off and prepared a whole different award show just for her is truly remarkable. I mean after that incredible resume I would have been screaming all hail Caroline Chislom whilst making the award show. 


Honestly I could go on for days putting out fires and showing more and more reasons to put Caroline on stage her essence on stage to get this award. But I feel I don’t need to Caroline is and was an amazing person and helped so many people I don’t know what else I need to say besides this to convince you that she is a perfect choice for this award. 


Yours Sincerely 

Hugh .G

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